Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 6, 2011

Same day gifts for kids

Hướng dẫn móc băng đô xinh cho bé
Size K hook
Lion Brand Homespun (this one is Caribbean)

Chain 5
Row 1 - Skip one, Single Crochet in 4
Chain two, turn
Row 2 - Double Crochet in 4 (this row will be your button loop)
Chain 1, turn
Rows 3-6 - Single Crochet (4) for 4 rows, Chain 1, turn
Row 7 - Increase by one on this row. Ending up with SC (5), Chain 1, turn
Rows 8-11 Single Crochet (5) for 4 rows, Chain 1, turn
Row 12 - Increase by one. Ending up with SC (6), Chain 1, turn
Rows 13- 41 SC (6), Chain 1, turn 
Row 42 Decrease by one. Ending up with SC (5), Chain 1, turn
Rows 43-46 SC (5), Chain 1, turn
Row 47 Decrease by one. Ending up with SC (4), Chain 1, turn
Rows 48-55 SC (4), Chain 1, turn.
Finish off both ends.
Choose a cute button, sew it on ... you know how.
This might have taken 30 minutes.


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