Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 6, 2011

Crafty jewelry: bride jewelry tutorial

Wedding Necklace "Tatiana"

Author: Darin Nikonov
Material for a wedding necklace "Tatiana":
beads white (or cream) in different shades (11 / 0 9 / 0)
beads with a gold center are "light" (11 / 0)
beads with an off-center;
beads "Pearl" ( size 4 mm),
thread a needle for beading;
Key to diagram a wedding necklace "Tatiana":
yellow circles - beads with a gold center are "light" (always on the scheme necklace "Tatiana")
circles in other colors (white, orange, pink, blue, green) - all shades of white on your discretion. I introduced these colors for clarity to indicate the new series.

Step 1 - the lash base (the string "eight")

1. Dial 8 beads according to the scheme:

2. Return the needle in the first bead:

3. Press the 4 beads on the scheme:

5. Pass the needle into the specified scheme to bead:

6. Type 5 beads:

7. Pass the needle into the specified scheme to bead:

8. Continue weaving the chain "eight" to the desired length:

Step 2 - whip suspension

9. Dial the beads according to the scheme (big circle - bead "Pearl"):

10. Return the needle into a large bead:

11. Type 3 beads under the scheme:

12. Podpletite suspension to the base:

13. Whipping a suspension to the desired length:

Step 3 - whipped eyelets

14. Type 1 beads and pass needle through the hole between the beads, the basics:

15. Sew the yellow bead in the technique of "brick stitch" (that is pry the warp thread and a needle again go through the yellow bead). Press the 4 beads according to the scheme (bead number 2 - off-center):

16. Sew a bead number 4 in the technique of "brick stitch":

17. Continue to weave loops in the scheme to the desired length:

Step 3 - embroidered base

18. Pass the needle into the yellow bead bases in the direction "top-down" and type 3 beads under the scheme (big circle - Beads 9 / 0)

19. Pass the needle into the next bead in yellow bases in the direction of "top-down"

20. The beads will be placed on the basis of the second layer:

21. Continue to embroider on the basis of the scheme to the required length:

Step 4 - lashes a second coat hangers

22. Dial 7 beads according to the scheme (bead number 4 - off-center):

23. Podpletite suspension to the base of the scheme (the number of suspensions will be placed on the fact that we wove earlier in step 2):

24. Continue braiding the second series of suspension circuit to the desired length:

Step 5 - attach the lock

25. Attach any lock for a necklace. Wedding Necklace "Tatiana" is ready.

Source: :

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