Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 6, 2011

Crafty jewelry: Beaded Bracelet

• Seed Beads 11 / 0 two colors A and B - 25-30g.
• 4mm bicones beads or 420-440sht.
• nylon thread or fishing line
The bracelet is done in two stages:
1. Weave mesh-framework;
2. Termination mesh beads.
Weaving net

The width of the grid 5 rows, the width of link 5 beads. Drags a needle.
1. At a comfortable length of thread 33 beads recruit A (№ 1-33) and introduce the needle in the 25 bead set from the beginning (№ 25). Obtain the lower turn, which consists of 9 beads (№ 25-33).
2. Taking the first diamond the second row. To do this, we collect five beads and are leading the needle in the 19 bead set from the beginning. Get diamond, consisting of twelve beads (№ 19-25 and № 34-38).In which, beads № 19,22,25,36 - will be key, and the beads № № 20,21,23,24,34,35,37,38 - workers.
3. We collect five beads to form the next diamond mesh, we pass into the bead number 13 upwards.The result was a second diamond mesh. Recruit five more beads, bead and go through the number 7.Again, we collect five beads pass into the bead number 1. Dial the five beads, and pass into the middle (central) bead (№ 51), the last typed loop. An upper corner. Next braid loops of five beads, running them out of key in a key (№ 46, 41,36,31).
4. This brings us to the bottom of the rotation. We collect 5 beads and go through the middle (central) bead of the last typed loop. The result was a bottom turn, then woven mesh is similar to the desired length.

Compounds of all bracelet

1. Having received the required length of the bracelet, we conclude that the needle through the (key) bead of the last series.
2. We collect two beads and go through the (key) bead of the first row. Again, we collect two beads and go through the middle (central) bead of the last series. Etc.
3. We leave through the last (key) bead of the first row (from top to bottom)

IMPORTANT! The resulting grid should closely encircle the widest part of the closed hand. When jointing length bracelet slightly larger - and "the operation" he could fly off the hand.
If you still doubt that the length of the bracelet will be you in time, you can weave a large part of the grid base and broaden its beads. And even after doplesti bracelet to the desired length, eg, to connect it to embroider and bead
Termination grid foundation

Fasten the thread in the grid and go through the central bead, which will begin unravel. We collect a bead B, a bead or bicones, 1 bead in and go through the following key bead. So embroider each cell. The cells of the lower and upper turning by inserting a needle not in a key bead, and a second bead rotation and stretch out the thread through the bead next key number.

It is important to remember that the larger the diameter of beads - the more twisted bracelet. But go too far there is no need - or your bracelet can turn into a bundle.
Author Olga OST

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