Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 7, 2013


I have just spent a week in Sweden were I visited a small town called Norberg. It's an old mining town from the 15th century with lots of pretty Scandinavian red wooden houses. I'm lucky to have parents who own a summer house out in the middle of Sweden as it makes for a great break from life in Oxford. 

While there I started on one of my most stereotypical crochet projects - a granny square blanket for a friend's baby. It's nice to get into the swing of crocheting again as I have been too busy writing my second book to make things with wool. 

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 7, 2013


A couple of weeks' back I was given a bag full of craft cotton. My friend who bought it thought that it was the same as normal cotton yarn and didn't realise that it is much tougher to knit or crochet with. So I ended up with it instead. I don't mind it being tough, but the natural cotton colour has discouraged me from doing anything with it. Drawing some inspiration from African patterns and the retro-looking doily that I made for my friend's wedding, I came up with this mat. It's funny how a little bit of colour makes such a difference to something that otherwise would just have blended into the background.  

Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 7, 2013


Elderflower trees are absolutely everywhere in Oxford and I mean everywhere - in the parks, in people's gardens, along the roads. I went to one of the nature reserves to pick the elderflowers I've used to make this summer cordial. 

Elderflower Cordial is one of those things that are so simple to make and taste so awesome. I have become a bit inspired. I think I will try my hand at some Elderflower Champagne next - if you have ever done it let me know what your result was. Did your bottle explode? Was it fizzy enough? Did it taste nice/awful? Any feedback appreciated. :)