Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 7, 2011

Aquatic plants for ponds

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Plants for the pond

Aquatic plants for ponds

rastenia1 (700x322, 313Kb)

In the area of water lilies thrive (1) water lilies themselves, and (2) water buttercup (Ranunculus aquatilis) and (3) aponogeton dvukolosy (Aponogeton distachyon). the zone of shallow-adapted (4) ezhegolovnik line (Spar-ganium erectum), (5 ) orontium water (Orontium aquaticum), (6) Highlander amphibious (Polygonum amphibium), (7) Susak umbrella (Butomus umbellatus) with pink flowers and blue-violet (8) heart-Pontedera (Pontederia cordata).

Plants for the pond shore

rastenia2 (700x203, 277Kb)

By land adjacent wetland area with (9) airom marsh (Acorus calamus), (10) ivolistnym loosestrife (Lythrum salicornia), (11) yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus), (12) darmeroy thyroid (Darmera peltata) and (13) Adonis Kukushkin (Lychnis floscuculi). The coastal zone is flourishing (14) iris smooth (Iris laevigata), (15), forget-me-eared (Myosotis palustris), (16) lizihiton American (Lysichiton americanus) and (17) powdery primrose (Primula pulverulenta). In the dry coastal area of the capillary barrier grows (18) high sedge (Carex elata), (19), cyanosis blue (Polemonium coeruleum), (20) European globe flower (Trollius europaeus), (21) mnogoryadnik fern (Polystichum), (22) tradescantia Anderson (Tradescantia andersonia) and (23) functions (Hosta).

How is it that good to have a pond - albeit small, but your own! Where nobody will disturb enjoy a quiet murmur of the water and relax after a long day at work ... A pond, fountain or stream make the overall picture of your site more complete and harmonious. It is not surprising that recently the creation of reservoirs has become a very fashionable trend. Ponds not only look stylish, but also perform useful functions. For example, support the microclimate area. On hot summer days, water increases the humidity, and the fall "cook" the plants to frost - quicker starts falling leaves. The creation of artificial water bodies - a difficult and requires considerable skills in landscape design. The independent activity can lead to that, rather than to contemplate the flow of water, you'll have all the time, something clean, tighten and repair. So it is better to trust in this business professionals. For you can only choose the water: whether it is a fountain, cascade, swamp, pond or stream, remember that the appearance of an artificial pond must be maintained in the same style as all the architectural elements your garden. Consider also what purpose would be to have your pond. Maybe he will play only a decorative function (along with rocks and plants). Can you fill it with fish and waterfowl. Or maybe you use it for bathing. It is important to determine the location of your pond. Generally, ponds, streams, fountains, etc. should be placed in the open, but sheltered from strong winds. Also note that the reservoir water surface may be exposed to sunlight less than 6 hours per day. Indeed, excess solar radiation leads to an intense proliferation of green algae and aquatic bacteria (despite the fact that the spring water and it will bloom). And the abundance of solar energy affects aquatic plants and fish. It is better not to locate body of water close to the trees - falling leaves will cause problems with cleaning the water, it will have to do constantly. In addition, tree roots can damage the bottom of the existing reservoir. The rounded, rectangular, square, free - form the reservoir can be arbitrary. It is most natural look, of course, free form, especially if you aspire to replicate the natural landscape. Reservoirs can be any depth, but it looks especially charming bed with different stones, shine through the water column. At the same time we must note that for a successful winter in a pool of many plant species to depth should be at least 1 meter of water at the garden will be beautiful only if the water inside is clean. If the water becomes stagnant, then, First, there is an unpleasant smell, and secondly, to build up the mosquitoes, and various insects. On warm days the water warms up quickly and often blooms that spoils the appearance of the reservoir. Therefore, the pool water must be changed regularly every 2-3 weeks and make it flow. Reservoirs are often equipped with filtration system, as well as decorative lighting. Typically, the number of active substances in the biological filter is defined as follows: 1 kg of filter material per 1 m3 of water, filter replacement is recommended once every 3-6 months, depending on the degree of contamination. Underwater lighting - it's not a cheap pleasure, which is very expensive to purchase necessary equipment and constant monitoring of his work. Installed by experienced professionals, it will make your pond is very beautiful and spectacular. Plant the plants in the water in baskets. So you can prevent the uncontrolled dispersal and germination of plant roots into the soil of the pond. Pebble coating over the substrate prevents the leaching of ground fish or flowing water. Handles make it easier to install plants in place and seize them from the water. For good growth and aquatic plants need a certain place. At deeper sites, so-called zone of water lilies, along with the latest live and other deep-water plants. Under the water, supplying water with oxygen, thrive Bolotnikov, water or an asterisk, and Urrutia Twrch. On the surface of the pond and swim freely telorez Ceratophyllum. In shallow water, where the depth is less than 40 cm, - a good place to chastuhi, Susak and Twrch, as well as for iris yellow, Pontedera and arrowhead, cattail and rush. In the swampy area where water level varies from 10 cm above the water surface or below it well feel Calla, water iris, ferns onokleya. On the upper boundary of this zone can be planted and p, loosestrife, swamp milkweed and watch. Dry Zone is located outside of the capillary barrier and smoothly into the other parts of the garden.There are good rudbeckia, iris, Siberian, globe flower and veronica.


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