Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 8, 2013


I've done some self-promotion lately which has reaped the following reward: a magazine article in Crafty Magazine and also a quick interview by the blog Those Who Make. I know it is quite egotistical to be harping on about myself and I do that in the article so I will stop here! But if you want to find out more about me or these cool print and online publications, then have a look. 

Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 8, 2013


For this retro mat I drew inspiration from one of my grandmother's potholders. Love that it has a 60s-vibe going about it. I'm all geared up to make more in lots of different colours.

I got a comment recently asking what yarn I use for apparel versus houseware items. And I guess I stick to "posher" yarns when it comes to items of clothing than I do for things for around the house. I'm a sucker for soft yarns like alpaca but the yarn I used for this mat is a cheaper craft cotton that I found in this newly opened wool shop in Oxford - Fibreworks.

It's funny how crochet is a seasonal thing as well. Most of the summer I crochet with cotton and during the winter it is all about the alpaca. :)

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 8, 2013


I have loads of craft cotton left! And what shall I do with it all? This seemed to be the best way of using it. Bombay is a heavy tea towel that can withstand the heat from a hot pan, straight from the oven, as well as being soft enough to dry one's hands on. This is the towel for every kitchen fanatic. I personally love the fact that I don't have to get the old oven-glove out every time I need to check what is going on in the oven. 

It is made using a simple double/single crochet (UK/US) pattern and it is funny what a bit of colour can do.