Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 3, 2014


I have been going through some of my old knitting and crocheting magazines and these adverts keeps poping-up. One would think that knitters and crocheters aren't as "nervous" as most people but these medical companies obviously thinks the opposite. 

The adverts do make me laugh at the same time as I'm horrified that some people bought into them. Having said that. Maybe Sanatogen is reason why there are so many funky knitted clothes from the 60's and 70s? Thank you Sanatogen!  

Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 1, 2014


Like many other people I have been diverted a bit from my blogging by a new (to me) temptation called Instagram. I'm sure most of you know its instant gratification value of taking a quick snap-shot, giving it a filter and then publishing it.

Work and life in general seem to be coming in the way of my blogging but I have some new plans for 2014 so I hope anyone following me will stick with me. I'm still here but not blogging as often.

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 9, 2013


Oxford is a great city to live in. You can find inspiration and charm in some of the smallest backstreets. These are a few of the snapshots that I taken when I'm running around with my camera. I hope you can see why I have made Oxford my home for the last eight years. :)

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 9, 2013


I'm very excited to show you one of the first copies of Karins Syjunta (Karin's Stitch'n'Bitch). The book is beautifully put together and has loads of crafty projects for all levels. It is written by Karin Holmberg who has written two books on embroidery. Do check out her blog because her work is amazing!

I was asked very nicely if I would contribute to the book, and my small contribution was a pattern for some quick xmas decorations. 

A bird has whispered in my ear that it is on offer from Adlibris at the moment.

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 8, 2013


I've done some self-promotion lately which has reaped the following reward: a magazine article in Crafty Magazine and also a quick interview by the blog Those Who Make. I know it is quite egotistical to be harping on about myself and I do that in the article so I will stop here! But if you want to find out more about me or these cool print and online publications, then have a look. 

Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 8, 2013


For this retro mat I drew inspiration from one of my grandmother's potholders. Love that it has a 60s-vibe going about it. I'm all geared up to make more in lots of different colours.

I got a comment recently asking what yarn I use for apparel versus houseware items. And I guess I stick to "posher" yarns when it comes to items of clothing than I do for things for around the house. I'm a sucker for soft yarns like alpaca but the yarn I used for this mat is a cheaper craft cotton that I found in this newly opened wool shop in Oxford - Fibreworks.

It's funny how crochet is a seasonal thing as well. Most of the summer I crochet with cotton and during the winter it is all about the alpaca. :)

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 8, 2013


I have loads of craft cotton left! And what shall I do with it all? This seemed to be the best way of using it. Bombay is a heavy tea towel that can withstand the heat from a hot pan, straight from the oven, as well as being soft enough to dry one's hands on. This is the towel for every kitchen fanatic. I personally love the fact that I don't have to get the old oven-glove out every time I need to check what is going on in the oven. 

It is made using a simple double/single crochet (UK/US) pattern and it is funny what a bit of colour can do.